Those darn scientists at that super-liberal group known as The United States Government. Once again, they're letting a little thing like science get in the way of politics and ideology. How dare they?
The USGA has determined that climate change might be occuring more quickly than anticipated. Sea levels could rise by as much as four feet within the next century. The American Southwest, which has been under an incredible drought for the past decade, will get drier.
I'm just glad that I won't be around for the worst of this climate change stuff. It'll be my kids' problem. Good luck to them.
Outdoor adventure and tree hugging: two great tastes that go great together. From the author of "Greasy Rider: Two Dudes, One Fast Food Fueled Car, and a Cross-Country Search for a Greener Future."
Monday, December 29, 2008
Arsenic and mercury-filled coal sludge inundates Tennessee town. Feds say everything is okay. Nothing to see here.
Here's the background: a TVA-run coal-fired power plant in the eatern Tennessee town of Kingston was depositing their coal ash waste into a giant retaining lake. The earthen dam holding it together gave way, and the sludge poured out (more than a billion gallons of it), covering an immense swath of land (and draining into the Emory and Tennessee rivers). The sludge contains mercury, lead, and arsenic. But the EPA says there's nothing to worry about. The locals are at no risk. And their drinking water is fine. And the Tennessee Valley Authority is arresting people taking pictures of the site.
I just love that clean coal technology!
I just love that clean coal technology!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Say it ain't so! Oil drops below $40 a barrel.
Oil has dropped below $40 a barrel. My friends at OPEC and Exxon Mobil are freaking out, no doubt. I'm freaking out, too. With every penny that the price of gas drops at the pump, I get a little less smug as I'm driving around in my station wagon that's powered by waste grease I get for free from a local restaurant. Who cares if I'm radically reducing my carbon footprint?
China sending three warships to battle the Pirates
Yes, China is conducting the largest mission of the People's Liberation Army Navy abroad ever by sending three warships off the coast of Somalia. This extension of Chinese military power has to be sending a shiver down the spines of some folks at the Pentagon.
It's about China protecting its ships. It's not about the oil, which isn't even mentioned in this Associated Press article. It's never about the oil.
For some context yet again. Most of the pirates are former fishermen, who looked for other work after the big fish disappeared off the coast of Somalia, thanks to foreign commercial fisheries. About 90 percent of the world's big fish have vanished in the last 50 years--any fisherman can pretty much confirm this for you.
I'm not condoning the acts of the pirates. But this is a tiny example of what happens when resources become depleted...
It's about China protecting its ships. It's not about the oil, which isn't even mentioned in this Associated Press article. It's never about the oil.
For some context yet again. Most of the pirates are former fishermen, who looked for other work after the big fish disappeared off the coast of Somalia, thanks to foreign commercial fisheries. About 90 percent of the world's big fish have vanished in the last 50 years--any fisherman can pretty much confirm this for you.
I'm not condoning the acts of the pirates. But this is a tiny example of what happens when resources become depleted...
Yes, we've sunk that low
How sad is it that people are excited simply because Obama's new cabinet members are experienced and competent at what they do.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Especially when it's inconvenient.
“The truth is that promoting science isn’t just about providing resources—it’s about protecting free and open inquiry. It’s about ensuring that facts and evidence are never twisted or obscured by politics or ideology. It’s about listening to what our scientists have to say, even when it’s inconvenient—especially when it’s inconvenient. Because the highest purpose of science is the search for knowledge, truth and a greater understanding of the world around us."
Friday, December 19, 2008
Land speculation, anyone?
New science advisor understands that the sky actually is falling
Obama's new science advisor is John Holdren, the director of Woods Hole Research Center, and director of the Program on Science, Technology and Public Policy at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He's one of the world's leading global warming experts. Judging by the president-elect's staffing choices, he's as aware--and unnerved--by the potential of global warming as anyone. And his advisors aren't going to let him do nothing, or they won't be around for long.
Here's an op-ed Holdren wrote for the Boston Globe this summer, called "Convincing the Climate Change Skeptics."
He writes: "The extent of unfounded skepticism about the disruption of global climate by human-produced greenhouse gases is not just regrettable, it is dangerous. It has delayed - and continues to delay - the development of the political consensus that will be needed if society is to embrace remedies commensurate with the challenge. The science of climate change is telling us that we need to get going."
Here's an op-ed Holdren wrote for the Boston Globe this summer, called "Convincing the Climate Change Skeptics."
He writes: "The extent of unfounded skepticism about the disruption of global climate by human-produced greenhouse gases is not just regrettable, it is dangerous. It has delayed - and continues to delay - the development of the political consensus that will be needed if society is to embrace remedies commensurate with the challenge. The science of climate change is telling us that we need to get going."
Thursday, December 18, 2008
This just in: low-flow shower head revelation!

I've made a great new discovery about my low-flow shower head: my showers can be twice as long before I run out of hot water from my 50-gallon hot water heater. So instead of taking 15-minute-long showers, like I did with the old shower head, I now take 30-minute-long ones before the water runs cold! Brilliant!
Joe the solar panel installer

The basic philosophy of the upcoming stimulus package goes something like this: our old-school manufacturing base, born at the turn of the 20th century, is dead. The model T isn't coming through that door again, folks. USS Steel ain't gonna be ramping up jobs in Pittsburgh--and as far as the textile industry goes, I think even "Made in America" tags are now stitched in China.
We're a country that buys more than it produces. (In this global market, that's almost like a household constantly spending more than it makes. Hmmm...) Now this system is imploding, because the false wealth of real estate is gone.
So government investment will focus on infrastructure, to make us more productive--so we can create goods more cheaply, competitively, and efficiently. And it'll push forward (through incentives, and research dollars) an agenda to make us less dependent on foreign fuel (to reduce the trade deficit, among other things) and put us in the lead in manufacturing and creating green technologies. Maybe America's Model T of this century is the solar panel. Or the wind turbine. Or some other technology not yet even created. The people behind the upcoming stimulus are hoping to kick-start American manufacturing dominance for a new "green" world.
For an example of the green economy's potential, here's an article from the jobs section of the Times, talking about all of the new work being created by the solar industry. It says that even during this recession, business is booming for solar panel makers and installers.
But here's the big, troubling question: Is it possible for a government to be able to kick-start a new manufacturing industry in a country? Has it ever succesfully happened before? Or does such a process have to happen naturally and organically, through market-driven means? (Meaning, if times are tough enough, American entrepreneurs will bootstrap themselves up to dominance through their own ingenuity--and not through government stimulus and intervention.) Is the artificial creation of a green economy kind of a Soviet-lite philosopy? Or, given the situation--both economic, and in terms of the looming environmental catastrophe--do we have no choice but to follow this route?
We Americans often think we can change the world just by exerting our will--whether it's about democracy and human rights around the world, or even economically (home and abroad). But change and growth comes through a natural process. You can throw fertilizer on a seedling in a flower garden to make it flourish more quickly, but you can't put a gun to it and say "Bloom now! Or else!" The last eight years should have taught us that.
Ouch, this all makes my head hurt. I make a promise to all 16 of you regular readers (hi mom and dad): only low-calorie posts from now on.
We're a country that buys more than it produces. (In this global market, that's almost like a household constantly spending more than it makes. Hmmm...) Now this system is imploding, because the false wealth of real estate is gone.
So government investment will focus on infrastructure, to make us more productive--so we can create goods more cheaply, competitively, and efficiently. And it'll push forward (through incentives, and research dollars) an agenda to make us less dependent on foreign fuel (to reduce the trade deficit, among other things) and put us in the lead in manufacturing and creating green technologies. Maybe America's Model T of this century is the solar panel. Or the wind turbine. Or some other technology not yet even created. The people behind the upcoming stimulus are hoping to kick-start American manufacturing dominance for a new "green" world.
For an example of the green economy's potential, here's an article from the jobs section of the Times, talking about all of the new work being created by the solar industry. It says that even during this recession, business is booming for solar panel makers and installers.
But here's the big, troubling question: Is it possible for a government to be able to kick-start a new manufacturing industry in a country? Has it ever succesfully happened before? Or does such a process have to happen naturally and organically, through market-driven means? (Meaning, if times are tough enough, American entrepreneurs will bootstrap themselves up to dominance through their own ingenuity--and not through government stimulus and intervention.) Is the artificial creation of a green economy kind of a Soviet-lite philosopy? Or, given the situation--both economic, and in terms of the looming environmental catastrophe--do we have no choice but to follow this route?
We Americans often think we can change the world just by exerting our will--whether it's about democracy and human rights around the world, or even economically (home and abroad). But change and growth comes through a natural process. You can throw fertilizer on a seedling in a flower garden to make it flourish more quickly, but you can't put a gun to it and say "Bloom now! Or else!" The last eight years should have taught us that.
Ouch, this all makes my head hurt. I make a promise to all 16 of you regular readers (hi mom and dad): only low-calorie posts from now on.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Story of Stuff
Have you seen this yet? It's called "The Story of Stuff." An amazing video of the environmental impact that goes into the stuff we consume and then throw out. The system is called the materials economy. The narrator follows our stuff from extraction, to production, to distribution, to consumption, to disposal. Be forewarned: it's 20 minutes long.
Shaping young minds
Today I'll be videoconferencing with 71 students enrolled in the "Literature and the Environment" course taught by Richard Kentz at Union Mine High School near Placerville, California. Mr. Kentz actually assigned them to read "Greasy Rider." Unfortunately for his students, there's no Cliff's Notes for Greasy Rider. At least not yet.
That's right, I'm shaping young minds (although in fairness, it should be pointed out that the book is far from being classified as "literature").
That's right, I'm shaping young minds (although in fairness, it should be pointed out that the book is far from being classified as "literature").
Not to be alarmist, but...
Enough water has melted from the Arctic, Antarctic, and Greenland since 2003 to fill the Chesapeake 21 times. That equates to trillions--with a 't'--of gallons of water.
But all of this is reversible down the road if we use ingenious ways to block out the sun, and create global cooling, right? Surely we can control nature if we really, really want to. Let's wait until there's a huge crisis and see...
But all of this is reversible down the road if we use ingenious ways to block out the sun, and create global cooling, right? Surely we can control nature if we really, really want to. Let's wait until there's a huge crisis and see...
What would Michael Pollan think?
Tom Vilsack from Iowa named as Obama's agriculture nominee. That's good for corn-based ethanol. (If corn-based ethanol is your thing.) As for corn subsidies and the prevalence of high-fructose corn syrup--which could be linked to the obesity epidemic in America--that's probably not going anywhere, either.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
How can you reduce water consumption? Eat more fiber.
Another entry from the Greasy Rider column on Outside magazine's web site:
Q: What one equipment change can I make in my home to reduce my water usage most?
A: For the average American, it's throwing out the sprinkler. There's no doubt a special place in eco-hell for the guy with the greenest lawn in Las Vegas, probably in a spot next to the designer of the Bellagio's Dancing Waters (though I do so love watching those 1,200 fountains ejaculating spray hundreds of feet above that 22-million-gallon, eight-acre man-made lake in the middle of the desert). A study by the AWWA Research Foundation tells us that 58 percent of household water consumption in America goes to irrigating our yards.
If you insist on a green lawn, look into a graywater system, which recycles from sinks, bathtubs, showers, and the washing machine to irrigate the yard and garden. The installation cost usually runs from $1,000 to $5,000, but like so many other environmental measures, it'll eventually pay for itself in savings.
Inside the home, it's the toilet. About one-quarter of the water we use is flushed down the drain, which amounts to about 18.5 gallons per person a day. A low-flow toilet slashes that number. For those of you who complain that you usually have to flush twice with low-flows—thus negating the water savings—I’ve got two suggestions: 1) eat more fiber, and 2) look at the AWWA survey. It found that homes with low-flow toilets barely flushed more times per day than homes with regular ones, and consumed half as much toilet water.
Q: What one equipment change can I make in my home to reduce my water usage most?
A: For the average American, it's throwing out the sprinkler. There's no doubt a special place in eco-hell for the guy with the greenest lawn in Las Vegas, probably in a spot next to the designer of the Bellagio's Dancing Waters (though I do so love watching those 1,200 fountains ejaculating spray hundreds of feet above that 22-million-gallon, eight-acre man-made lake in the middle of the desert). A study by the AWWA Research Foundation tells us that 58 percent of household water consumption in America goes to irrigating our yards.
If you insist on a green lawn, look into a graywater system, which recycles from sinks, bathtubs, showers, and the washing machine to irrigate the yard and garden. The installation cost usually runs from $1,000 to $5,000, but like so many other environmental measures, it'll eventually pay for itself in savings.
Inside the home, it's the toilet. About one-quarter of the water we use is flushed down the drain, which amounts to about 18.5 gallons per person a day. A low-flow toilet slashes that number. For those of you who complain that you usually have to flush twice with low-flows—thus negating the water savings—I’ve got two suggestions: 1) eat more fiber, and 2) look at the AWWA survey. It found that homes with low-flow toilets barely flushed more times per day than homes with regular ones, and consumed half as much toilet water.
Pirates, we'll get that oil tanker back!

Riding high from its many successful armed interventions with other failed states around the world in the past seven years, the current US administration has suggested conducting military raids into Somalia to stop the pirates.
Condi is going to try to put together a Coalition of the Willing for it. Good luck with that one.
Remember: it's about the safety of ships, it's not about the oil. It's never about the oil.
What? The Interior Department cooked the books on endangered species? That can't be possible!
I know it sounds incredible, but it's true: a top Bushie official violated ethics codes (if not the law) to cook the books on environmental information to meet the administration's political agenda. Yes, shocking. This time it's regarding endangered species, according to the Interior Department's own inspector general. The official, Julie McDonald, had no background in natural science, yet the Associated Press says she...
"...did pervasive harm to the department's morale and integrity and may have risked the well-being of species with her agenda, Interior Inspector General Earl Devaney said in his report out Monday.
The Interior Department last year reversed seven rulings that denied endangered species increased protection, after an investigation found that MacDonald had applied political pressure in those cases. The new report looked at nearly two dozen other endangered species decisions not examined in the earlier report. It found MacDonald directly interfered with at least 13 decisions and indirectly affected at least two more."
Apparently, her name has turned into a verb at her office. If you're a senior career worker in the Interior Department, and she comes down hard on you to lie or withhold information, you've been "McDonalded."
Devaney said "MacDonald's zeal to advance her agenda has caused considerable harm to the integrity of the Endangered Species Act program and to the morale and reputation" of the Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as potential harm to animals under the Endangered Species Act.
"Her heavy-handedness has cast doubt on nearly every ESA decision issued during her tenure," from 2002 until 2007, the report said.
In a way, I'm really going to miss these people. The polar bears aren't, though.
"...did pervasive harm to the department's morale and integrity and may have risked the well-being of species with her agenda, Interior Inspector General Earl Devaney said in his report out Monday.
The Interior Department last year reversed seven rulings that denied endangered species increased protection, after an investigation found that MacDonald had applied political pressure in those cases. The new report looked at nearly two dozen other endangered species decisions not examined in the earlier report. It found MacDonald directly interfered with at least 13 decisions and indirectly affected at least two more."
Apparently, her name has turned into a verb at her office. If you're a senior career worker in the Interior Department, and she comes down hard on you to lie or withhold information, you've been "McDonalded."
Devaney said "MacDonald's zeal to advance her agenda has caused considerable harm to the integrity of the Endangered Species Act program and to the morale and reputation" of the Fish and Wildlife Service, as well as potential harm to animals under the Endangered Species Act.
"Her heavy-handedness has cast doubt on nearly every ESA decision issued during her tenure," from 2002 until 2007, the report said.
In a way, I'm really going to miss these people. The polar bears aren't, though.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The "green dream team"
Obama's set to announce his environmental "dream team" of cabinet nominees today. Here's my concern with B.O.'s top officials so far: yes, they're all immensely smart, passionate and skilled. But do they know how to be managers? That'll be the key to whether or not they can really do a heckuva job. Has any of them, say, been the Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the International Arabian Horse Association--or something similarly challenging?
Low-flow shower update
What's greener, a fake Christmas tree or a real one?

Get the real deal. Fake trees are made with PVC, which doesn't biodegrade. They also often contain lead. Real trees do biodegrade, and new trees are then planted in their place, soaking up carbon dioxide.
Though cutting down one of those 200-year-old spruces to plop into Rockefeller Center is truly a sin.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Consider the refrigerator
There's a great New Yorker story on Obama's next energy secretary (who happens to be a Nobel prize winning physicist). Over the summer he gave a talk on energy efficiency and related a story about the refrigerator. It consumes 15 percent of household electricity. In the 70s, California raised efficiency standards, and the fridge makers got pissed off. They said it couldn't be done, and it would hurt the consumer. Soon, standards were set nationwide. Then, as he says, the job was passed "to the engineers from the lobbyists, and this is what you get:"
The size of the average American refrigerator has increased by more than ten per cent, while the price, in inflation-adjusted dollars, has been cut in half. Meanwhile, energy use has dropped by two-thirds.
The transition to more efficient fridges, Chu pointed out, has saved the equivalent of all the energy generated in the United States by wind turbines and solar cells. “I cannot impress upon you how important energy efficiency is,” he said.
Here's the video of the talk he gave. It's interesting stuff. He'll be the first energy secretary who recognizes the dire urgency of combatting climate change--from an economic, security, and humanitarian perspective. He also understands the immense economic opportunities we can reap from carbon-friendly technologies.
The size of the average American refrigerator has increased by more than ten per cent, while the price, in inflation-adjusted dollars, has been cut in half. Meanwhile, energy use has dropped by two-thirds.
The transition to more efficient fridges, Chu pointed out, has saved the equivalent of all the energy generated in the United States by wind turbines and solar cells. “I cannot impress upon you how important energy efficiency is,” he said.
Here's the video of the talk he gave. It's interesting stuff. He'll be the first energy secretary who recognizes the dire urgency of combatting climate change--from an economic, security, and humanitarian perspective. He also understands the immense economic opportunities we can reap from carbon-friendly technologies.
Lost Greasy Rider video footage discovered!
Here's the long lost footage of Iggy and me finally reaching the BioFuel Oasis in California in the wagon, after begging for oil across the country, only to find it closed. (Iggy is the one riding shotgun.) Pardon the ripe language at the very end.
Auto bailout dead? We'll see
The car companies say they need $25 billion in loans--or about 3 percent of what Congress is dropping in the laps of the financial industry, with almost no strings attached.
One in ten jobs in this country is connected to the auto industry.
One in ten jobs in this country is connected to the auto industry.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The veggie car is flooding!

We've had about two inches of rain over the last day, with another inch or two expected to fall. And for some reason, water is flooding around the floor mats. Enough so that the kids need to wear rain boots in the car, and they keep dropping pencils on the floor to see if they float. (To answer your question: we now know that pencils do float.) I'm at a loss for a solution.
Are you planning to buy a GM car anytime soon? Didn't think so.
You get the feeling that the big loan to GM is more about preventing a panic in the markets at this critical time than actually bailing out the company? The GM we know right now is a goner.
I've covered the auto industry a little in various capacities. It takes years and years for car companies to build owner loyalty. (And car owners by nature tend to be loyal to one or two brands. This is a fact of the business that the companies constantly obsess over.) It takes years and years for car companies to lose owner loyalty, too. (In the case of GM, it took decades.) Even if they started making amazing cars (not SUVs or trucks, but cars), it would take a very long time before consumers bought into them (or bought them) on a mass scale. (Let alone the fact that people aren't buying cars right now.)
GM will either need to file for bankruptcy, or find a way to reorganize completely without the government officially calling it bankruptcy (this new bailout plan does nothing of the sort). This is inevitable. In the meantime, we'll be dishing the company more bridge loans to nowhere until the rest of the economy starts to turn around.
Do you really see any other course for this wreck? Happy 100th Birthday General Motors.
I've covered the auto industry a little in various capacities. It takes years and years for car companies to build owner loyalty. (And car owners by nature tend to be loyal to one or two brands. This is a fact of the business that the companies constantly obsess over.) It takes years and years for car companies to lose owner loyalty, too. (In the case of GM, it took decades.) Even if they started making amazing cars (not SUVs or trucks, but cars), it would take a very long time before consumers bought into them (or bought them) on a mass scale. (Let alone the fact that people aren't buying cars right now.)
GM will either need to file for bankruptcy, or find a way to reorganize completely without the government officially calling it bankruptcy (this new bailout plan does nothing of the sort). This is inevitable. In the meantime, we'll be dishing the company more bridge loans to nowhere until the rest of the economy starts to turn around.
Do you really see any other course for this wreck? Happy 100th Birthday General Motors.
The Green Commando
A guy (or woman) broke into the most highly guarded power plant in the UK and shut it down--in the process, he reduced Britain's carbon footprint by 2 percent. The power plant is coal fired. It was back up running after four hours. The person left a card saying "no new coal." No one knows who did it, but he's being called Climate Man.
What do you call this? Eco terrorism? Civil disobedience? Both?
It underscores just how nasty coal-fired plants are for the atmosphere. It's also a scary reminder of just how vulnerable even Great Britain's infrastructure is.
What do you call this? Eco terrorism? Civil disobedience? Both?
It underscores just how nasty coal-fired plants are for the atmosphere. It's also a scary reminder of just how vulnerable even Great Britain's infrastructure is.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I guess it means less shoveling, though
New England is losing 8.9 snow-covered winter days per decade right now, according to a study just published in the Journal of Geophysical Research. Think about it: that's nearly one less snow-covered day per year. What a breathtaking (and scary) statistic.
Mr. Obama, meet the last Democrat to win the presidential popular vote
Al Gore met with Obama yesterday in Chicago, to talk about climate change. Personally, I think Obama's already aware of it. No word on whether the two discussed whose mansion sucks more energy: Gore's or the White House.
Also no word on what transportation Gore used to get to Chicago for the meeting. Maybe he took his biodiesel-powered yacht.
Also no word on what transportation Gore used to get to Chicago for the meeting. Maybe he took his biodiesel-powered yacht.
The Skeeter Beater
Taken from my Greasy Rider column for Outside magazine's web site:
Q: Is there a DEET alternative I can really trust when I go hiking in the Costa Rican jungle?
A: I can't speak for Costa Rican insects, but I can tell you what the mosquitoes and no see 'ems in my back yard don't like—and my back yard happens to hold the unofficial title as Buggiest in Asheville, North Carolina. Last summer, whenever I let my five-year-old daughter and four-year-old son run out the back door for more than five minutes without bug spray on them, they'd come back inside covered with welts. Forget DEET, I was ready to dip them head-first into a pool of DDT—like the baby Achilles in a chemical River Styx—if it meant that their arms and legs would no longer make them look like smallpox victims. But Dr. Wife, MD, is much heavier into the whole "organic" thing, and wants our kids' DNA to remain relatively humanoid, so she instructed me to find a natural alternative.
The National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides—not a fan of DEET—recommends an herbal repellent like All Terrain’s pleasantly scented Herbal Armor, which is sold at many natural food stores. It employs citronella, peppermint, soybean oil, and lemongrass to scare off bugs. On the other hand, the Centers for Disease Control approves of only one natural remedy for mosquitoes: oil of lemon eucalyptus, like what’s found in the pungent and aptly named Repel Lemon Eucalyptus. (The CDC recommends that kids under three years old shouldn’t be exposed to Lemon Eucalyptus, though.)
After buying these two products, my logical next step was to perform a controlled test on the kids. So I sprayed one arm and leg on each of them with Herbal Armor and the other arm and leg with Repel. (Neither had any idea what was going on. Kids are so trusting.) The results: After a half hour of solid protection, the bugs began devouring the Herbal Armor-covered side like entrants in a Coney Island hot dog eating contest, while nearly three hours passed before Repel began losing its potency. When Dr. Wife, MD, came home that evening, she was mystified to see that the kids were suffering from bug bites over only half of their bodies. ("You’re right, honey, that's awfully strange. I have no idea why that happened.") As a result, my anecdotal conclusion is that a lemon eucalyptus-based solution like Repel will probably be effective for you in Costa Rica, as long as you’re more than three years old, and you reapply after a couple of hours. Though to be safe, I'd carry along a something with DEET in it as well.
Q: Is there a DEET alternative I can really trust when I go hiking in the Costa Rican jungle?
A: I can't speak for Costa Rican insects, but I can tell you what the mosquitoes and no see 'ems in my back yard don't like—and my back yard happens to hold the unofficial title as Buggiest in Asheville, North Carolina. Last summer, whenever I let my five-year-old daughter and four-year-old son run out the back door for more than five minutes without bug spray on them, they'd come back inside covered with welts. Forget DEET, I was ready to dip them head-first into a pool of DDT—like the baby Achilles in a chemical River Styx—if it meant that their arms and legs would no longer make them look like smallpox victims. But Dr. Wife, MD, is much heavier into the whole "organic" thing, and wants our kids' DNA to remain relatively humanoid, so she instructed me to find a natural alternative.
The National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides—not a fan of DEET—recommends an herbal repellent like All Terrain’s pleasantly scented Herbal Armor, which is sold at many natural food stores. It employs citronella, peppermint, soybean oil, and lemongrass to scare off bugs. On the other hand, the Centers for Disease Control approves of only one natural remedy for mosquitoes: oil of lemon eucalyptus, like what’s found in the pungent and aptly named Repel Lemon Eucalyptus. (The CDC recommends that kids under three years old shouldn’t be exposed to Lemon Eucalyptus, though.)
After buying these two products, my logical next step was to perform a controlled test on the kids. So I sprayed one arm and leg on each of them with Herbal Armor and the other arm and leg with Repel. (Neither had any idea what was going on. Kids are so trusting.) The results: After a half hour of solid protection, the bugs began devouring the Herbal Armor-covered side like entrants in a Coney Island hot dog eating contest, while nearly three hours passed before Repel began losing its potency. When Dr. Wife, MD, came home that evening, she was mystified to see that the kids were suffering from bug bites over only half of their bodies. ("You’re right, honey, that's awfully strange. I have no idea why that happened.") As a result, my anecdotal conclusion is that a lemon eucalyptus-based solution like Repel will probably be effective for you in Costa Rica, as long as you’re more than three years old, and you reapply after a couple of hours. Though to be safe, I'd carry along a something with DEET in it as well.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The latest on those pirates
Yesterday, the EU placed an armada of military ships off Somalia to combat the pirates--so the pirates have moved their operations further south, expanding their base of operations, and giving the armada a nearly impossible amount of sea to protect.
One of the biggest ironies of this whole piracy thing is that there's an environmental angle: Many of the pirates are former tuna fishermen who say they had to find another line of work because all of the tuna stocks off the Somali coast have been depleted. (Nearly 90 percent of the world's big fish have disappeared over the past 50 years from overfishing. This isn't alarmism. Any honest commercial fisherman will acknowledge this. They want a sustainable solution for this problem as much as anyone.)
It's an age-old formula: a depletion of natural resources leads to war, violence, and crime. That's why the federal government believes perhaps the biggest threat to our national security in the long-run is climate change.
One of the biggest ironies of this whole piracy thing is that there's an environmental angle: Many of the pirates are former tuna fishermen who say they had to find another line of work because all of the tuna stocks off the Somali coast have been depleted. (Nearly 90 percent of the world's big fish have disappeared over the past 50 years from overfishing. This isn't alarmism. Any honest commercial fisherman will acknowledge this. They want a sustainable solution for this problem as much as anyone.)
It's an age-old formula: a depletion of natural resources leads to war, violence, and crime. That's why the federal government believes perhaps the biggest threat to our national security in the long-run is climate change.
Got some extra cash?
If you're among the few who actually has money to invest in the stock market's (hopefully) rock bottom prices--the best bet in the renewable energy industry is said to be First Solar.
Here's what Forbes says:
For now, almost everyone's favourite pick remains First Solar (nasdaq: FSLR - news - people ), which has everything going for it except perhaps valuation, they say. The company is often compared to Intel Corp (nasdaq: INTC - news - people ) , on which it has modelled its manufacturing strategy for making solar cells.
First Solar produces solar cells used to form photovoltaic panels at a cost approaching $1.00 per watt compared to the $2.50/watt industry average, analysts say. Gross margins remain intact around 50 percent while other players face compression.
"If you want to play one stock in the U.S., Europe or China, it has to be First Solar," says Mark Bachman of Pacific Crest Securities in Portland, Oregon.
Valuation has long been First Solar's thorn. But the stock, which traded above $300 earlier this year and at a valuation as high as 140 times forward forecasts, has seen its valuation sink to 17.5 times next year's consensus profit forecast.
Here's what Forbes says:
For now, almost everyone's favourite pick remains First Solar (nasdaq: FSLR - news - people ), which has everything going for it except perhaps valuation, they say. The company is often compared to Intel Corp (nasdaq: INTC - news - people ) , on which it has modelled its manufacturing strategy for making solar cells.
First Solar produces solar cells used to form photovoltaic panels at a cost approaching $1.00 per watt compared to the $2.50/watt industry average, analysts say. Gross margins remain intact around 50 percent while other players face compression.
"If you want to play one stock in the U.S., Europe or China, it has to be First Solar," says Mark Bachman of Pacific Crest Securities in Portland, Oregon.
Valuation has long been First Solar's thorn. But the stock, which traded above $300 earlier this year and at a valuation as high as 140 times forward forecasts, has seen its valuation sink to 17.5 times next year's consensus profit forecast.
What global warming?

I understand the motivation of many climate change skeptics. There are the oil people. There are the scientists paid by the oil people. There are the car company CEOs, who thought that making fuel-efficient vehicles would somehow put them out of business. (Whoops, their bad.) There are the people at Fox News and on the Wall Street Journal editorial page who'd be out of a job if they weren't climate change skeptics. I understand these people.
The ones I don't understand are the run-of-the-mill media hacks across the country who spread this nonsense. What's in it for them? They're not getting a piece of the Exxon-Mobil profits (I don't think). No one is specifically paying them to be knuckleheads (I don't think). Meanwhile, two American cities have been completely wiped out by hurricanes in the last five years. The Great Lakes are being drained because they're not freezing nearly as much in the winter. Droughts have plagued island countries (more affected by changes in ocean temperatures) from Ireland, to Cyprus, to Australia. The desert has crept into Spain. African insects are now flourishing in southern Italy. European ski resorts at lower elevations in the Alps now have to make snow to survive.
Can someone explain this to me? Are they all trying to audition for Fox or the Wall Street Journal? What's going on here? Why is it a liberal versus conservative thing to admit the obvious, here? Even China acknowledges the causes of climate change. They just don't care to do much about it. To me that's a much more intellectually honest approach.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Good news and bad news
The good news is that in 2008, public transportation saw the largest increase in ridership in a quarter century. And despite plummeting gas prices, people are still riding buses and trains.
The bad news. The freefalling economy has ruined the demand for recycled materials. Bigtime. (For instance, a ton of tin is worth $5 now. It was worth $327 earlier in the year.) The fear is that if cities and towns aren't making money off their recycling programs, some could stop offering them. Can we blame George Bush for this too? Please?
The bad news. The freefalling economy has ruined the demand for recycled materials. Bigtime. (For instance, a ton of tin is worth $5 now. It was worth $327 earlier in the year.) The fear is that if cities and towns aren't making money off their recycling programs, some could stop offering them. Can we blame George Bush for this too? Please?
'Greasy Rider' praised in the New York Times Book Review!
The exact quote was "An entertaining combination of 'On the Road' and 'An Inconvenient Truth.'”
Yes, I had to look up the word "pedantic."
Yes, I had to look up the word "pedantic."
Remember the Saturn!
It's really not that tough to mandate that American cars be the most fuel-efficient in the world. It's quite a bit harder to ensure that we make un-crappy cars that capture people's attention and imagination the way Toyota and Honda do.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Big news! I took a shower!

Against my better judgement, I took a shower this morning. Dr. Wife, MD, forced me to do it. She gave me some nonsense about "proper" hygiene, and made some not-so-veiled threats about the guest bedroom. Well, at least the shower gave me the opportunity to test out the new, eco-friendly low-flow shower head.
For background: I installed a Waterpik Ecoflow shower head earlier this week. (Or was it last week?) Of course, it was made in China, and it came in one of those giant plastic bubble containers that are almost impossible to open without a chainsaw. (Millions of years from now, long after the human race has perished, the vast populations of intelligent, highly evolved cockroaches that rule the earth will send out their archaeologists, and I'm sure one will find this Ecoflow container, completely unbiodegraded.)
For the sake of my sustainable argument, lets overlook the carbon imprint of my driving to Home Depot to buy the new shower head, and the greenhouse gases produced by Waterpik to manufacture, package, and ship it. (Environmentalists are so good at casting a blind eye--or two--at such trifles.) Instead, I'll highlight its benefits. The output of a standard shower head is 5 to 8 gallons of water per minute. The Ecoflow puts out about 2 gallons a minute. That should save my house about $75 a year on water bills, and $50 a year on water heating bills.
In other words, the shower head should easily pay for itself within six months, and then rack up hundreds of dollars in energy and water bill savings in the next few years. On top of that, I'll be conserving more than 7,000 gallons of water a year, and untold amounts of energy.
So how did it work, you ask? Well, it didn't exactly feel like a fire hose. More like a gentle but steady rain shower overhead. It took me no more time to, say, rinse shampoo from my hair (which, by the way, I've begun to notice is vanishing at an alarming rate) than with a normal shower head, but the lower output was noticeable. People who would rather get pummeled with a Swedish massage-type spray in the shower every morning than save the earth from extinction will be disappointed. People who actually want a better life for their kids and grandkids won't think it's so bad (if they overlook the whole packaging, shipping, and manufacturing thing, of course).
For background: I installed a Waterpik Ecoflow shower head earlier this week. (Or was it last week?) Of course, it was made in China, and it came in one of those giant plastic bubble containers that are almost impossible to open without a chainsaw. (Millions of years from now, long after the human race has perished, the vast populations of intelligent, highly evolved cockroaches that rule the earth will send out their archaeologists, and I'm sure one will find this Ecoflow container, completely unbiodegraded.)
For the sake of my sustainable argument, lets overlook the carbon imprint of my driving to Home Depot to buy the new shower head, and the greenhouse gases produced by Waterpik to manufacture, package, and ship it. (Environmentalists are so good at casting a blind eye--or two--at such trifles.) Instead, I'll highlight its benefits. The output of a standard shower head is 5 to 8 gallons of water per minute. The Ecoflow puts out about 2 gallons a minute. That should save my house about $75 a year on water bills, and $50 a year on water heating bills.
In other words, the shower head should easily pay for itself within six months, and then rack up hundreds of dollars in energy and water bill savings in the next few years. On top of that, I'll be conserving more than 7,000 gallons of water a year, and untold amounts of energy.
So how did it work, you ask? Well, it didn't exactly feel like a fire hose. More like a gentle but steady rain shower overhead. It took me no more time to, say, rinse shampoo from my hair (which, by the way, I've begun to notice is vanishing at an alarming rate) than with a normal shower head, but the lower output was noticeable. People who would rather get pummeled with a Swedish massage-type spray in the shower every morning than save the earth from extinction will be disappointed. People who actually want a better life for their kids and grandkids won't think it's so bad (if they overlook the whole packaging, shipping, and manufacturing thing, of course).
Deep thought part 2
You're gonna have a hard time attracting the nation's best and brightest to take the helm of (and turn around) any troubled companies if the compensation is $1 a year.
Deep thought
Bill Gates' net worth today is about $56 billion. The net value of the Big Three auto companies combined is about $12 billion.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Chalk one up for the tree huggers (or in this case, rock huggers)
After an onslaught of negative publicity, the Bushies have pulled back their last-minute plans to allow oil and gas drilling in Nine Mile Canyon in Utah. For background, this place is nicknamed the "longest art gallery in the world" because of its thousands of rock art panels and relics left by the Anasazi.
To quote a great man named Donald Rumsfeld, "Is it possible there were really that many vases?"
To quote a great man named Donald Rumsfeld, "Is it possible there were really that many vases?"
Low-flow shower head update
Still haven't tested it out yet. Not sure if I'll get around to bathing until Sunday--whether I need it or not. Very French of me, isn't it?
A head-scratcher
Obama has quietly dropped plans for instituting a windfall profits tax on oil companies on his policy web site,
Cynics, insert your comments now.
Cynics, insert your comments now.
Rest easy ship owners

Blackwater, everyone's favorite merry band of mercenaries, says it's willing to take care of the Somali pirates. For a price, of course. I'm not sure which group this flag would represent in that battle.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanks for nothing, Dr. Wife, MD

In yet another effort to get us to reduce our footprint, Dr. Wife, MD has forced me to install a low-flow shower head in our bathroom. This is probably TMI, but one of my few vices in life is a long, water- and energy-hogging shower. The shower head, pictured here, cost about $50, and is supposed to pay for itself in water savings in about four months. It had better work, though. And work well. Or else this green living stuff might finally break me. You'll receive an honest appraisal tomorrow. (That is, if I take a shower today. I usually only bathe on Sundays. Oops, is that TMI again?)
Pirates update, part 23.
The Somali pirates just released a Yemeni ship without ransom. The wise and all-knowing Greasy Rider Blog has predicted from the start that they'll eventually release the big Saudi oil tanker without ransom. Could this facilitate that? Maybe they're trying to save face by releasing this ship first--and then say something like how they're not going to hold any boats owned by Muslim countries. If that's their game, they'll also be saving their lives in the process.
It's not about the oil, though. It never is.
It's not about the oil, though. It never is.
Cape wind to be approved?

The Cape Cod wind project might be given a big stamp of approval from the federal government this week. That'll no doubt piss off people like Bobby Kennedy, Jr., who's been against it from the start. (He's all for saving the planet as long as no efforts hurt the property values--or views--from the Kennedy Kompound out there.) Mind you, even the Audubon Society in Massachusetts is for this thing, so that lame argument about protecting sea birds can be thrown out the window. The Audubon Society! And this guy is lobbying to become the EPA chief.
The turbines will be placed about five miles offshore, so it's true that they will be clearly visible from shore quite often. The picture above is a rendition of what it'll look like. To be honest, if I lived on the Cape or the Vineyard, I wouldn't want to see this every day, either. And I sure as heck wouldn't want to see the value of my multi-million dollar property potentially drop because of it. But if I'm a diehard environmentalist, I've got to suck it up for the greater good. Hypocrisy hurts the cause.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Grease Power Power
Whole Foods uses 1,200 gallons of canola oil a week in its commissary, to fry the prepared foods that go to 43 stores in the Northeast. It's now recycling that grease to generate all of the commissary's electricity (enough power for 200 homes).
So let me get this straight: Whole Foods is generating electricity for this building from a free fuel source, and reducing their waste by 18 tons a month. Those darn tree-hugging hippies at Whole Foods, using their liberal spotted-owl-saving ways improve their bottom line.
So let me get this straight: Whole Foods is generating electricity for this building from a free fuel source, and reducing their waste by 18 tons a month. Those darn tree-hugging hippies at Whole Foods, using their liberal spotted-owl-saving ways improve their bottom line.
The Supreme Court will be killing us for years to come
So there's this federal law, created by Congress of course, that says power plants have to upgrade to minimize their damage to fish and aquatic life. (Consider that power plants use 214 billion gallons of water a day for cooling in the US. Yes, 214 billion.) The Bush administration and utility companies have sued to exempt old power plants from this law. (And basically, only the old power plants are the ones threatening fish. The new ones are actually fairly eco-friendly with their water use.) Their stance is that it's too cost-prohibitive. (They're saying they shouldn't have to make changes if the cost of the upgrade is greater than the environmental benefits.) The Supreme Court hears arguments on the case today.
There's more to this case than just protecting our waterways from an ecological catastrophe. If the Bush administration wins, it means that environmental laws will become immensely harder to enforce. (Think of factories that don't want to adhere to clean air standards, for one example.)
Let me guess how judicial activists--um, I mean defenders of the Constitution--Alito, Roberts, Scalia, and Thomas will vote on this one. Sorry speckled trout, you don't stand a chance.
There's more to this case than just protecting our waterways from an ecological catastrophe. If the Bush administration wins, it means that environmental laws will become immensely harder to enforce. (Think of factories that don't want to adhere to clean air standards, for one example.)
Let me guess how judicial activists--um, I mean defenders of the Constitution--Alito, Roberts, Scalia, and Thomas will vote on this one. Sorry speckled trout, you don't stand a chance.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The answer man
The first batch of advice from the weekly Greasy Rider eco-advice column on Outside magazine's web site...
Q: Why do you drive a grease-powered car, and should I do it too?
A: Before you read the next sentence, please follow this one simple instruction: go jump off a bridge. Okay, it appears that most of you aren't taking my words as direct commands. That's unfortunate. (To those of you who actually did just jump off a bridge, I hope it was a low one, and I offer you my sincere thanks as I try to live up to my role as your eco-messiah.)
I originally thought that converting an old diesel to run on vegetable oil was some hippy-dippy thing that only young trustafarians did when they weren't too busy making their clothes out of hemp. My wife Ann Marie—who just graduated from medical school and I shall respectfully call Dr. Wife, MD, from this point forward—told me otherwise. She said the process was fairly simple and it would save us money. She made the point that many restaurants pay for someone to dispose of the dregs from their deep-fat fryers, so they're happy to unload the stuff on grease-powered drivers for free.
Suddenly a lightbulb (a compact fluourescent, no doubt) illuminated over my head: Ha! The chance to get free gas and flip the bird at the oil companies. Sign me up! Dr. Wife, MD, was actually more gung-ho about the potential environmental benefits, which are immense. Consider that biodiesel made from virgin vegetable oil reduces NREL life-cycle carbon emissions—all the emissions it takes to produce a product—by 78 percent compared to dino-diesel, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. And then take into account that french fry grease is a waste product.
I originally thought that converting an old diesel to run on vegetable oil was some hippy-dippy thing that only young trustafarians did when they weren't too busy making their clothes out of hemp. My wife Ann Marie—who just graduated from medical school and I shall respectfully call Dr. Wife, MD, from this point forward—told me otherwise. She said the process was fairly simple and it would save us money. She made the point that many restaurants pay for someone to dispose of the dregs from their deep-fat fryers, so they're happy to unload the stuff on grease-powered drivers for free.
Suddenly a lightbulb (a compact fluourescent, no doubt) illuminated over my head: Ha! The chance to get free gas and flip the bird at the oil companies. Sign me up! Dr. Wife, MD, was actually more gung-ho about the potential environmental benefits, which are immense. Consider that biodiesel made from virgin vegetable oil reduces NREL life-cycle carbon emissions—all the emissions it takes to produce a product—by 78 percent compared to dino-diesel, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. And then take into account that french fry grease is a waste product.
So the two of us bought an old, half-dead Mercedes, fixed it up, ordered a kit from, and paid someone to install it. I thought of trying to install the kit myself, but Dr. Wife, MD, said no. She pointed out—correctly—that I'd mess everything up and would ultimately have to pay someone to install it anyway, so I might as well skip that first time-consuming step. The kit and installation cost a little more than $2,000, and I've easily made that money back in gas savings over the past couple of years.
Now to answer the second half of the question: Should you do it too? Before deciding to convert an old diesel, find a good grease supplier. Someone who's willing to set the stuff aside each week in sealed jugs, so it's not exposed to the elements and so you don't have to suck it from a dumpster in the restaurant's back parking lot. Given the growing demand for grease across the country, securing a reliable supply is harder than you might think. Here in Asheville, North Carolina, I get my stash from the Early Girl Eatery, one of the best restaurants in town. They use high-quality oil, and since they don't fry many meats in it, it's high-test stuff without a lot of impurities to filter out.
I'd also recommend that you have a garage where you can store the grease and filter the particles out of it. (For me the filtering process involves heating the grease under the sun in a black gas can, and pouring it through a felt sock filter.) No matter how meticulous you are, grease is messy, and you need to have a designated area where you can contain it.
If you can meet these criteria, and if you're willing to set aside the 45 minutes a week—give or take—for gathering the oil and filtering it, by all means go for it. Though I'm skeptical that you'll heed my advice, seeing how you didn't jump off that bridge.
If you can meet these criteria, and if you're willing to set aside the 45 minutes a week—give or take—for gathering the oil and filtering it, by all means go for it. Though I'm skeptical that you'll heed my advice, seeing how you didn't jump off that bridge.
Utterly predictable Kristol: US should declare war on piracy
Political shill William Kristol declares that we should go to war against the pirates. (The man apparently doesn't realize what a caricature he's become.)
Let's go through the chrology of events, as we've so diligently followed them here.
--Somali pirates hijack ships for several years, without drawing extensive media coverage.
--A couple of weeks ago, Somali pirates sieze a Saudi oil supertanker. GREASY RIDER BLOG then sagely predicts world outrage, media coverage, and threats of military action. GREASY RIDER BLOG also sagely predicts that oil will barely be mentioned, if at all. It's never about oil. It's always about freedom.
--GREASY RIDER BLOG, so aware of his own knowlege and wisdom, then wonders aloud why he's not running the world, or at least given some powerful job in the government.
--India's Navy then says that it has sunk a Somali pirate mother ship, and unfortunately no survivors are found. (But it turns out that there actually was one survivor, who clung to a metal barrel for several days at sea before being rescued. And he and his shipmates actually weren't pirates. They were fishermen from Thailand. Ah well.)
--Rhetoric and media coverage ratchet up on piracy, and Kenya prepares for the inevitable ecological catastrophe that will come when the oil tanker is siezed back from the pirates by special forces and tons of black gold spill into the sea.
--Political hack William Kristol, starts the drumbeat for American military action against Somali pirates in a Weekly Standard Column. Oil is never mentioned. It never is.
Kristol's words:
"Perhaps (President Bush) could tell various admirals to stop moaning about how difficult it would be to deal with the pirates off the coast of Somalia (isn't keeping the shipping lanes open a core mission of the Navy?) and order the Navy to clobber them. If need be, the Marines would no doubt be glad to recapitulate their origins and join in by going ashore in Africa to destroy the pirates' safe havens."
The Marines would be glad? Is he sure? Maybe he should talk to a Marine general about that. (Yet one more reason why Bill Kristol's relevance and influence as a political thinker has sunk to somewhere just below Geraldo Rivera's.)
Check back here for future pirate updates...
Let's go through the chrology of events, as we've so diligently followed them here.
--Somali pirates hijack ships for several years, without drawing extensive media coverage.
--A couple of weeks ago, Somali pirates sieze a Saudi oil supertanker. GREASY RIDER BLOG then sagely predicts world outrage, media coverage, and threats of military action. GREASY RIDER BLOG also sagely predicts that oil will barely be mentioned, if at all. It's never about oil. It's always about freedom.
--GREASY RIDER BLOG, so aware of his own knowlege and wisdom, then wonders aloud why he's not running the world, or at least given some powerful job in the government.
--India's Navy then says that it has sunk a Somali pirate mother ship, and unfortunately no survivors are found. (But it turns out that there actually was one survivor, who clung to a metal barrel for several days at sea before being rescued. And he and his shipmates actually weren't pirates. They were fishermen from Thailand. Ah well.)
--Rhetoric and media coverage ratchet up on piracy, and Kenya prepares for the inevitable ecological catastrophe that will come when the oil tanker is siezed back from the pirates by special forces and tons of black gold spill into the sea.
--Political hack William Kristol, starts the drumbeat for American military action against Somali pirates in a Weekly Standard Column. Oil is never mentioned. It never is.
Kristol's words:
"Perhaps (President Bush) could tell various admirals to stop moaning about how difficult it would be to deal with the pirates off the coast of Somalia (isn't keeping the shipping lanes open a core mission of the Navy?) and order the Navy to clobber them. If need be, the Marines would no doubt be glad to recapitulate their origins and join in by going ashore in Africa to destroy the pirates' safe havens."
The Marines would be glad? Is he sure? Maybe he should talk to a Marine general about that. (Yet one more reason why Bill Kristol's relevance and influence as a political thinker has sunk to somewhere just below Geraldo Rivera's.)
Check back here for future pirate updates...
Son of Kyoto
The two-week UN-sponsored meeting to create the successor to the Kyoto Protocol has begun. Not much is expected to come from it, although you'll be hearing all sorts of dire predictions pouring out. Instead, the world is waiting to see what Obama's actions will be once he takes office. That's right, the world is waiting--and praying--for the US to lead on climate change (just as it has for the past decade).
People will say that given the economic climate, now isn't the time to worry about carbon emissions. But what's that saying about "an ounce of prevention?"
People will say that given the economic climate, now isn't the time to worry about carbon emissions. But what's that saying about "an ounce of prevention?"
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"Greasy Rider" hors d'oeuvre
This will probably be the last post this week. I'm off to subject myself to a food coma for Thanksgiving. But here's an hors d'oeuvre of Greasy Rider, for those of you who haven't read the book already.
There's yet another quirk to the Mercedes that I've failed to mention: when it's traveling faster than fifty miles per hour, the heat stops working. I don't know why. It's not an issue around home, because I usually don't take it onto the highway in wintry weather. But it was an issue when we reached I-80 and started to ascend the foothills of the Rockies. Iggy discovered through various experiments that if we turned off the fan altogether and cranked up the thermostat on the dashboard, a trickle of warm air would seep through the vents. Whether this made any real difference in cabin temperature, I'm not sure, but it didn't hurt. The best we could do was slip on as many layers of warm clothes as possible--which meant three or four T-shirts and a sweatshirt--and hope to avoid freezing to our seats.
Snowflakes began to fall somewhere around Laramie, a nearly treeless town lying exposed at seventy-one hundred feet in elevation, but vanished upon hitting the warm ground. To our left, a giant, fully tricked-out Toyota Sequoia, all fift-one hundred pounds and fifteen miles per gallon of it, weaved back and forth in its lane from the sixty-mile-per-hour wind gusts and roared past us like we were riding a tandem bike.
Iggy gazed at the vehicle, which quickly vanished into the snowy haze. "I bet the people in that Sequoia aren't happy people."
"They're rich, unfulfilled, miserable people," I said, nodding.
"But they're warm," Iggy said.
"Yes, they're warm."
"And they don't have to blinkerbate," he said.
"That's true."
"And if they hit bad snow, they shift into four-wheel drive," he said.
"And they've got antilock disc brakes...But they're miserable," I said.
"I wouldn't mind being miserable if I were warm. And had four-wheel drive. And blinkers that worked," he said.
"Now you're sounding like me."
There's yet another quirk to the Mercedes that I've failed to mention: when it's traveling faster than fifty miles per hour, the heat stops working. I don't know why. It's not an issue around home, because I usually don't take it onto the highway in wintry weather. But it was an issue when we reached I-80 and started to ascend the foothills of the Rockies. Iggy discovered through various experiments that if we turned off the fan altogether and cranked up the thermostat on the dashboard, a trickle of warm air would seep through the vents. Whether this made any real difference in cabin temperature, I'm not sure, but it didn't hurt. The best we could do was slip on as many layers of warm clothes as possible--which meant three or four T-shirts and a sweatshirt--and hope to avoid freezing to our seats.
Snowflakes began to fall somewhere around Laramie, a nearly treeless town lying exposed at seventy-one hundred feet in elevation, but vanished upon hitting the warm ground. To our left, a giant, fully tricked-out Toyota Sequoia, all fift-one hundred pounds and fifteen miles per gallon of it, weaved back and forth in its lane from the sixty-mile-per-hour wind gusts and roared past us like we were riding a tandem bike.
Iggy gazed at the vehicle, which quickly vanished into the snowy haze. "I bet the people in that Sequoia aren't happy people."
"They're rich, unfulfilled, miserable people," I said, nodding.
"But they're warm," Iggy said.
"Yes, they're warm."
"And they don't have to blinkerbate," he said.
"That's true."
"And if they hit bad snow, they shift into four-wheel drive," he said.
"And they've got antilock disc brakes...But they're miserable," I said.
"I wouldn't mind being miserable if I were warm. And had four-wheel drive. And blinkers that worked," he said.
"Now you're sounding like me."
Regarding those pesky pirates: it turns out that the Indian navy didn't sink a pirate mother ship earlier this week. It was really a Thai fishing trawler. The Indian navy didn't realize their mistake because they didn't leave any survivors. Or so they thought. Turns out one of the fishermen lived, and clung to a metal barrel for five days before being rescued at sea.
Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal is suddenly so enraged over piracy that columnist Bret Stephens asks the question, "Why don't we hang pirates anymore?" in his column. Oil, of course, is mentioned only once, in passing. This matter's not about oil. It's about enforcing international law, and protecting the world from sea-bound terrorists. It's never about oil.
Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal is suddenly so enraged over piracy that columnist Bret Stephens asks the question, "Why don't we hang pirates anymore?" in his column. Oil, of course, is mentioned only once, in passing. This matter's not about oil. It's about enforcing international law, and protecting the world from sea-bound terrorists. It's never about oil.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Potential benefits to global warming
Some of the potential benefits to global warming: my heating bills will go down here in North Carolina. (It was freezing out this morning. Very unpleasant.) And given that my house is at 2,500 feet in elevation, it could very well become oceanfront property in a decade or two.
Redford is pissed off
He spoke last night on Maddow about how earlier this month the Bushies, under the cover of darkness, opened federally protected lands to oil drilling. (By the way, he's got to be coloring his hair. No one that old is that blond. And if he's doing that, why doesn't he get some of the Botox? The dude needs it.)
Oil tanker pirate update
Kenya is preparing for the possible major oil spill off its coast when forces inevitably raid the Saudi oil supertanker being held by Somali pirates.
Ecological catastrophies, piracy, terrorism fincancing, war--all byproducts of the oil business. Hmmm...I feel like there's some other downside to it that I'm missing. Oh yeah, global warming.
Even so, the New York Times says today that the Economic Meltdown will be deterring countries from breaking their dependence on fossil fuels. If you read the article, though, it shows no real evidence of this.
If ever there was a time for countries to get motivated on starting a new green industrial revolution, it's now.
Ecological catastrophies, piracy, terrorism fincancing, war--all byproducts of the oil business. Hmmm...I feel like there's some other downside to it that I'm missing. Oh yeah, global warming.
Even so, the New York Times says today that the Economic Meltdown will be deterring countries from breaking their dependence on fossil fuels. If you read the article, though, it shows no real evidence of this.
If ever there was a time for countries to get motivated on starting a new green industrial revolution, it's now.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Greasy Rider column is up and running on Outside magazine web site
Head here for the first weekly installment of the Greasy Rider column on Outside magazine's web site. The first question: "Why do you drive a grease-powered car, and should I do it too?"
To find the witty, action-packed answer to this question, click here.
To find the witty, action-packed answer to this question, click here.
Arugula update
I've got a design for my winter garden. I'll build raised beds using 2"X12" boards, and put storm windows atop them.
The government and green technologies
A part of Obama's massive stimulus program that he's going to push in January is to set aside a whole lot of money for the government to create green technologies (to gin up a new "green collar economy" that will usher American industry into the next century). Does that mean he's going to create a "Manhattan Project" for green technologies? I hope not. We're better off providing tax breaks, grants, and incentives for corporations and universities to innovate. That's where all of the exciting stuff is already happening, and these are the people who are going to make the breakthroughs. Let capitalism do its thing, and not get government too involved.
Oil tanker pirates update, part 5
In response to the Saudi oil tanker recently taken hostage, Iran is saying that they're going to start using force against Somali pirates. And ship owners are demanding some sort of UN-backed naval blockade of the Horn of Africa. Meanwhile, the pirates holding the ship are saying they're willing to reduce the ransom. Think they'll get it down to $0?
Greasy Rider group on Facebook
Don't forget to join the Greasy Rider group on Facebook. Type "greasy rider" in the search box and you'll find it.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Spinal Tap on Global Warming
History's greatest band tackles the world's most perilous issue by reuniting for Live Earth.
Greasy Rider goes Prime
My recent book reading at the Flying Pig Bookstore in Shelburne Vermont will be replayed on C-SPAN2's BookTV this weekend. You can see it at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (yes, Prime Time) Eastern Time on Saturday, on CSPAN2, or streamed online by clicking here.
Amazon reviews?
If you've read and (hopefully) enjoyed Greasy Rider, feel free to leave a review of your impressions on Amazon. Help get the word out.
Pirate update
No word on any new developments with the oil supertanker taken by Somali pirates. The Indian navy has said they're now going to actively pursue pirate vessels. Middle Eastern countries are meeting to see what they can do. But just when the tide seems to be turning in a positive direction, the UN has threatened to help. Never a good thing.
Solar panels required on malls and big box stores
Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick is aiming to require malls and big box stores to put solar panels atop their buildings--forcing them to become more energy efficient, and save money in the long run. (You'd think companies would want to do this on their own, but they don't.) To see how this system can work well, check out the Google chapter in Greasy Rider. Google recently installed solar panels atop its headquarter buildings. The panels supply 30 percent of the electricity for the campus, and will pay for themselves within eight years. In other words, Google will be getting 30 percent of its electricity for free in eight years.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
House cleaning
Henry Waxman has defeated John Dingell (from Michigan it should be noted) as the leader of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Dingell has been the leading Democrat on this committee since, like, Henry Ford was a boy.
Dingell, though a staunch and important Democrat, was no friend of people who wanted high emissions or fuel efficiency standards. Waxman is.
This is a big deal--and signals where the House is headed. Not that I really know about this stuff.
Dingell, though a staunch and important Democrat, was no friend of people who wanted high emissions or fuel efficiency standards. Waxman is.
This is a big deal--and signals where the House is headed. Not that I really know about this stuff.
Hijacked oil tanker update
In yesterday's chapter of the oil tanker pirate drama, we learned that a destroyer in the Indian navy was forced to fire upon a pirate "mother ship" and sink it. Today, we discover that the oil tanker pirates are demanding $25 million in ransom. (The ship is holding more than $100 million in oil.) They're not gonna get a dime, of course. Stay tuned.
US Mindset Changes on Gas Guzzling

Maybe the plummeting price of gas doesn't ruin my chances of ruling the roads in my grease-powered car. This Financial Times article asserts that Americans are still looking for alternatives to fossil fuels. Here's the section of the article I find the most enlightening:
Greg Melville also exemplifies the changing American mindset. He wanted to prove alternative fuels, such as vegetable oil, were feasible and so drove cross-country in a "French-fry car'' - a 1985 Mercedes station wagon powered on oil collected from restaurant waste en route. He lived to write a book about his adventure in Greasy Rider, which motivates others to turn towards alternatives.
Even though petrol prices are down again, Mr Melville expects Americans will continue to find new ways around fossil fuels because many are motivated by fears of climate change, not just loss of income. It is why he hangs out washing to dry, composts vegetable waste and buys local foods, which do not require packaging and fuel to get to his market.
He expects others to follow the energy-saving route. People will not trade in their hybrids to go back to SUVs, he says. "There is a definite shift in mindset that goes beyond the price of gas.''
Even though petrol prices are down again, Mr Melville expects Americans will continue to find new ways around fossil fuels because many are motivated by fears of climate change, not just loss of income. It is why he hangs out washing to dry, composts vegetable waste and buys local foods, which do not require packaging and fuel to get to his market.
He expects others to follow the energy-saving route. People will not trade in their hybrids to go back to SUVs, he says. "There is a definite shift in mindset that goes beyond the price of gas.''
Midnight Madness
I'm so tired of being angry at these people. But they make it hard to stop...
Just when you think the final nail has been placed in this presidential administration's coffin, it rises from the dead for a few last deeds. This time it's in the form of "midnight regulations," which generally take years for the incoming folks to undo (if they can undo them at all). Apparently, the Bushies have relaxed environmental regulations protecting endangered species, by eliminating THE GOVERNMENT'S OWN SCIENTISTS from giving input when the government is constructing a highway, dam, or building in an area where endangered species live.
In a separate matter, the EPA is using the 11th hour to weaken the Clean Air Act so coal-fired power plants and oil refineries near national parks will be able to send significantly more pollutants into the air. Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park here by me are especially supposed to be hurt.
From the Washington Post:
Don Shepherd, an environmental engineer at the National Park Service's air resources division in Denver noted that the agency determined in the 1980s that every one of its parks was "visually impaired," and "nothing really has changed that." Visitors to Shenandoah National Park's Skyline Drive in the mid-1930s reported seeing the Washington Monument more than 70 miles away; now, on some days, visibility is barely one mile.
Further down:
While limiting pollution in national parks does not have the broad public health implications of federal air-quality rules that govern soot or airborne lead pollution, it has symbolic and ecological importance. The four major pollutants affecting the parks -- sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and mercury -- contribute to degrading once-pristine habitats that Congress sought to preserve for generations when it decided to protect those areas.
Just when you think the final nail has been placed in this presidential administration's coffin, it rises from the dead for a few last deeds. This time it's in the form of "midnight regulations," which generally take years for the incoming folks to undo (if they can undo them at all). Apparently, the Bushies have relaxed environmental regulations protecting endangered species, by eliminating THE GOVERNMENT'S OWN SCIENTISTS from giving input when the government is constructing a highway, dam, or building in an area where endangered species live.
In a separate matter, the EPA is using the 11th hour to weaken the Clean Air Act so coal-fired power plants and oil refineries near national parks will be able to send significantly more pollutants into the air. Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park here by me are especially supposed to be hurt.
From the Washington Post:
Don Shepherd, an environmental engineer at the National Park Service's air resources division in Denver noted that the agency determined in the 1980s that every one of its parks was "visually impaired," and "nothing really has changed that." Visitors to Shenandoah National Park's Skyline Drive in the mid-1930s reported seeing the Washington Monument more than 70 miles away; now, on some days, visibility is barely one mile.
Further down:
While limiting pollution in national parks does not have the broad public health implications of federal air-quality rules that govern soot or airborne lead pollution, it has symbolic and ecological importance. The four major pollutants affecting the parks -- sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and mercury -- contribute to degrading once-pristine habitats that Congress sought to preserve for generations when it decided to protect those areas.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Those pirates
You still following the Somali-pirates-capture-Saudi-mega-oil-tanker story? Yesterday, an Indian naval vessel just happened to get into cross paths with what's believed to be the Somalian pirate "mother ship" and sank it. (Think of how much India is hurt if the world's oil supply is threatened.) Funny, there was no word on any Somali pirates from the sinking mother ship being taken into custody or rescued. The chain of events here is just starting.

Today begins the planning for my organic winter garden. I'm going to get the book "Four-Season Harvest," by Eliot Coleman, and build some cold frames. The plan is to grow arugula. Arugula! I've never eaten it, but I plan to start. I'll also grow carrots, green onions, and other salad greens--with help from the kids. Whether you like it or not, you'll be receiving updates on the garden, and pictures.
According to Michael Pollan in Omnivore's Dilemma, organic food travels 1,500 miles on average before reaching your plate. I'm hoping to reduce that number ot 15 feet--and lower my food costs, too.
A word on "clean coal."
Just to be clear: "clean coal" technology doesn't exist. It won't be around for at least the next decade (using optimistic forecasts), if that's even the route we want to follow. Meanwhile wind, solar, and geothermal do exist.
Basically, the use of the phrase "clean coal" is a pander to Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Basically, the use of the phrase "clean coal" is a pander to Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
From the elitist in chief
A video speech given to today's Governors Global Climate Summit.
"Any governor who's willing to promote clean energy will have a partner in the White House. Any company that's willing to invest in clean energy will have an ally in Washington. And any nation that's willing to join the cause of combating climate change will have an ally in the United States of America." Pithy.
"Any governor who's willing to promote clean energy will have a partner in the White House. Any company that's willing to invest in clean energy will have an ally in Washington. And any nation that's willing to join the cause of combating climate change will have an ally in the United States of America." Pithy.
What a waste

On average, one quarter of every landfill is filled with compostable yard and food waste. Consider not only the incredible amount of space that this stuff takes up, but the energy it takes (and carbon produced) to transport it from your garbage can to the dump. Then think of the money it costs you or your city to take away your trash.
That's why Dr. Wife, MD decided we would compost all plant waste from our kitchen. The photo is of the composting pot we keep by the sink. You'll notice that Dr. Wife, MD is not inlcuded in the picture. That's because she's never seen around it. Somehow she delegated the composting responsibilities to me. (All of her great environmental schemes seem to end up turning into work for me, somehow.) We collect all eggshells and fruit and vegetable scraps, but no meats or dairy, into this pot and then empty it into a composting container in the yard (which I'll show later). We'll use the compost next summer for the organic garden I'm planning to create. (I'm also going to be building a winter garden soon, and I'll be showing pictures of that and providing progress-or lack thereof--reports.)
Weasels do like to burrow
The outgoing presidential administration is reassigning some of its hack political appointees into career civil service positions--especially in the Department of Interior. This act is called "burrowing." In this case, it appears the intent is not only to provide friends plum long-term jobs, but to continue to push their political agenda under the radar after the new administration comes in. (The officials being burrowed have been aggressive partisans during their tenure.) This is scary on so many levels, the least of which being that these people are way less qualified to do the work than the non-partisan experts who rise through the civil service ranks.
From the article: "Environmental advocates, and some rank-and-file Interior officials said the reassignments represent the Bush administration's effort to leave a lasting imprint on environmental policy.
"What's clear is they could have done this during the eight years they were in office. Why are they doing it now?" said Robert Irvin, senior vice president for conservation programs at Defenders of Wildlife, an advocacy group. "It's pretty obvious they're trying to leave in place some of their loyal foot soldiers in their efforts to reduce environmental protection."
Further down: "Alex Bastani, a representative at the Labor Department for the American Federation of Government Employees, said it took months for that agency even to acknowledge that two of its Bush appointees, Carrie Snidar and Brad Mantel, had gotten civil service posts.
"They're trying to burrow into these career jobs, and we're very upset," Bastani said. "Everyone should have an opportunity to apply for these positions. And certainly career people who don't have partisan bent and have 10 or 15 years in their respective fields should have a shot at these positions."
From the article: "Environmental advocates, and some rank-and-file Interior officials said the reassignments represent the Bush administration's effort to leave a lasting imprint on environmental policy.
"What's clear is they could have done this during the eight years they were in office. Why are they doing it now?" said Robert Irvin, senior vice president for conservation programs at Defenders of Wildlife, an advocacy group. "It's pretty obvious they're trying to leave in place some of their loyal foot soldiers in their efforts to reduce environmental protection."
Further down: "Alex Bastani, a representative at the Labor Department for the American Federation of Government Employees, said it took months for that agency even to acknowledge that two of its Bush appointees, Carrie Snidar and Brad Mantel, had gotten civil service posts.
"They're trying to burrow into these career jobs, and we're very upset," Bastani said. "Everyone should have an opportunity to apply for these positions. And certainly career people who don't have partisan bent and have 10 or 15 years in their respective fields should have a shot at these positions."
Monday, November 17, 2008
Gas prices keep falling. Will Putin be rearin' his head less now?

Gas prices have dropped 60 days in a row, now. In that darn liberal media, I keep seeing comparisons being made to the 80s, when people abruptly stopped caring about fuel economy after the price of unleaded plummeted from the gas-crisis highs of the 70s. (Ah, the 70s, a time when Jimmy Carter went so far as to put solar panels atop the White House, and told people to turn down the heat and start wearing sweaters. When misguided folks thought thought that driving a high mileage car meant they had to give up all sense of taste--as they poured into tiny Pintos and Gremlins, and the ever-popular Le Car). Here's the difference: today's heightened awareness of global warming. Even if gas was 2 cents a gallon, that wouldn't change its environmental impact. So drivers still want to use less of the stuff. People also now realize that the country's biggest security threats get weaker with every drop in gas prices. I mean, you have to admit that it kind of warms the cockles of your heart to see the petro-funded despotic Russian government unraveling a bit (Russian oil has now dropped below $50 a barrel), and even becoming more conciliatory to the West on missile defense.
hypothetically speaking
If you happen to be a geeky writer who spends most of his day sitting in front of a computer screen, and whose only cardiovascular exercise comes through his fingers, by typing on the keyboard, then DON'T accept an invitation to go mountain biking with your wife's co-workers. Hypothetically speaking, of course. Especially if you're hyper-competitive. And if you're riding somewhere in the rugged Pisgah National Forest. And if the aforementioned co-workers are hard core riders. Because if you do, you'll practically need to overdose on Vitamin I (also known as Ibuprofin) the next morning. Not that I know from experience.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Purified urine to be astronauts' drinking water.

I'm all for recycling, but this is a bit much, even for me. Apparently, NASA did blind taste tests, with purified urine and regular drinking water, and the astronauts didn't really know the difference. Dr. Wife, MD, believes there's a real future in a cool, tall drink of sewage. And so, apparently, does Orange County, California.
New Outside magazine online column
I'm slated to be writing a new column on Outside magazine's web page, starting next week. I'll send the link when it's up and running. My job is to give snarky yet informative (and potentially life-changing) answers to environmental questions. They'll be running one question per week. From there, the Cult of Greasy Rider is expected to gain millions of new members, until it becomes a movement, or perhaps a religion--kind of a Scientology for people with grease-filled garages.
Testing peanut oil in the car today
When I was in Vermont, Iggy gave me five gallons of peanut oil that someone had thrown out. It's virgin stuff, supposedly never used, according to Iggy. Maybe it was the sly look on his face when he gave it to me, or the fact that he's getting a little pissed off about friends and acquaintances making references to him in the book all the time--but for some reason, I didn't feel comfortable burning the stuff. It's been sitting in the back of the car. Until today. I just poured it into the tank. It was strangely clumpy, and discolored. Very suspicious. I have to take the kids to an appointment about 30 miles down the highway from the house this afternoon, so I figure I'll test it out then. Wish me luck. And if you don't hear from me ever again, blame Iggy.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Insert oil rig here!

In its noble, never-ending effort to wean the country off of foreign fuel sources, the Bush administration has..."expanded its oil and gas lease program in eastern Utah to include tens of thousands of acres on or near the boundaries of three national parks.
And if we don't do this, according to an oil executive with too many consonants in her name, the terrorists win.
'Kathleen Sgamma, the government affairs director of the Independent Petroleum Association of the Mountain States, said of the new lease proposals, “If you can’t develop oil and natural gas in this part of rural Utah, we might as well concede the United States has lost all interest in energy security.” '
I've always thought something was missing from the background in Canyonlands National Park. I was thinking that it was strip malls. (Nothing reminds you that you're snugly embedded in the middle of the US of frickin' A like a good old fashioned Bed Bath & Beyond.) But actually, it was oil rigs...
The brown clouds of Asia

The bad news regarding the giant brown clouds of pollution blotting out the sun over vast swaths of Asia: reduced crop yields, lung-burning air, three-eyed fish turning up in rivers.
The good news: less chance for skin cancer from harmful UV rays, not as much need to buy sunglasses (thus reducing your environmental impact).
Can green jobs end the economic meltdown?
"Moreover, a new rationale for promoting green investments is beginning to emerge. Many luminaries, from the head of the United Nations Environment Programme to Barack Obama, America’s president-elect, tout the industry as a means both to address global warming and stimulate flagging Western economies. Reports enumerating the economic benefits of state support for clean technology, in the form of industries fostered and jobs created, abound. American lawmakers, at any rate, seem convinced: they slipped an extension of all-important subsidies for renewable energy into the recent bail-out for financial services."
Gas drops below $2.00 a gallon in Asheville
This is starting to piss me off. OPEC and I are the only ones cursing these gas prices right now. it's taking away my ability to be smug about my free fuel supply. At least I can still lord it over people that the ole Mercedes wagon is still immensely better for the environment.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Booklist starred review
Booklist, the century-old literary journal published by the American Library Association, just gave Greasy Rider a starred review.
Money quote: "From its punny title, to its unique premise (a man decides to drive from coast to coast in a car powered by used french-fry oil), to its serious message (you, too, can be more environmentally conscious), to its easygoing writing style, this is just a splendid book."
Money quote: "From its punny title, to its unique premise (a man decides to drive from coast to coast in a car powered by used french-fry oil), to its serious message (you, too, can be more environmentally conscious), to its easygoing writing style, this is just a splendid book."
Greasy Rider playlist
I wrote the following essay for Largehearted Boy, a popular music blog that features daily downloads, opinions and news. It also includes a dose of conversation on books and literature, including suggested playlists from authors on recent books they've written. Here's mine. It appears on the site today:
Greasy Rider is the rollicking, white-knuckle, knock-you-over-it’s-so-funny (hey, this is my essay, so I can describe the book any way I want) recollection of a road trip I took with my old college buddy Iggy. We drove across the country in a rusty old diesel Mercedes wagon powered by waste french fry grease we begged, borrowed, and, um…begged from restaurants along the way. It’s also an investigation of other sustainable resources—like wind, solar, geothermal—already at our disposal. The gist is that if two mechanically-challenged goobers like us can get across the country in a car powered by the dregs of deep fat fryers, surely there are other easy-to-access ways to reduce our carbon footprint (and by extension, our dependence on foreign oil, and on fossil fuels in general). It’s the most fun you’ll have reading about global warming. I promise. Don’t believe me? Ask the legendary Neil Peart, of Rush. He reviewed it on his blog—something I randomly stumbled across yesterday, during my hourly ritual of obsessively googling the search terms “greasy rider, book, review, good.” Money quote from the greatest drummer (sorry, Ringo) who ever lived: “So the book is part picaresque road story (always a hit with this reader!) and part serious investigation of energy issues—the way it really is, without the wishful thinking, or simply wrong thinking, that is so often expended on these topics.” I’m not sure what picaresque means, but I’m pretty sure it’s a compliment (though I admit that it startles me to know that a rock star has a much better vocabulary than I do). Peart has written a few road trip books himself, by the way.
As you know, every self-respecting road trip must have a soundtrack, and mine was no different—though the sound quality could have been better. The wagon’s stereo system consists of an ancient factory-installed Blaupunkt, which was probably pretty Bitchin’ during the Reagan administration, and three working speakers. Its days of blasting tunes in stereo have also long-since passed. Here’s my playlist of songs—many of which are mentioned in Greasy Rider.
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones: The Sinister Minister
My wife and I bought our cream-colored 1985 Mercedes 300TD wagon from a young woman an hour south of our Burlington, Vermont home. During our test drive, I hand-cranked open the sun roof, and cranked up the Blaupunkt as I hit the gas pedal and headed down a dirt mountain road. The Sinister Minister crackled through the three working speakers. Perfect. Grooving to the funk-meets-bluegrass sounds of Bela Fleck is the most fun a yuppified Vermont pseudo-hippie can have without a bong nearby.
Willie Nelson: On the Road Again
I had originally planned to read Walt Whitman’s “Song of the Open Road” to kick off my road trip with Iggy—but wisely decided to play “On the Road Again” instead. Our connection to the Red-Headed Stranger was just too great, given that he’s such a huge proponent of vegetable oil and biodiesel power.
“Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway.
We’re the best of friends
Insisting that the world be turnin’ our way
And our way
Is on the road again.”
Now, Iggy and I will never be accused of being best friends, but the words were appropriate enough.
Cindy Lauper: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
To be very, extremely, utterly clear, I’m not recommending this song. But I feel it must be included. We weren’t even 10 miles into the trip before Iggy connected his portable satellite radio to the stereo, and tuned to the 80s station. He told me, “Greg, prepare for a musical education.” Then he turned up the volume to this song. Within less than a second, I had hit the power button and asserted myself as the alpha-DJ for the rest of the trip—though there were some stretches of road when I did cede my power to him. Advice to everyone: if you’re headed on a long drive with a buddy, make sure his or her musical tastes stretch beyond 80s pop. (And don’t get me wrong, I’ve been known to tap the steering wheel to “Hungry Like the Wolf” when I’m alone in the car. But in very limited doses.)
Van Morrison: Crazy Love
When Iggy and I were in college, a buddy of ours who had much more luck with the ladies than me (then again, anyone who had any luck with the ladies had much more than me) would play Van Morrison on his cassette deck to signal that he was entertaining someone in his dorm room. So if we were about to knock on his door but heard “Brown Eyed Girl,” or something, playing, we’d know to walk away. On our drive, this song inevitably stirred memories of college. (And I’m talking the original version, from “Moondance,” and not the lame duet with Ray Charles.) Maybe this makes me cliché, but I still really like Van Morrison. Heck, Crazy Love was my wedding song, too.
Men at Work: Land Down Under
Iggy and I were hating each other by this point in the trip. He was given brief control of the stereo, and this song came on, by the greatest two-hit-wonder band Australia has ever produced. If “Land Down Under” can’t cheer you up on a car ride, you’re not alive (or at least you’re not a nearly-old fogie like me, who fondly remembers rockin’ to it in my basement when it played on Friday Night Videos).
Allison Krauss and Gillian Welch: I’ll Fly Away
To me, bluegrass is white man’s soul music. I could listen to hillbillies pickin’ banjos all day. Now that I live in Asheville, North Carolina, I’m surrounded by it (which is very nice). For Iggy, expanding his musical horizon means listening to the early stuff from Yaz. He’s not a fan of bluegrass. I tried easing him into it by playing the soundtrack to “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” Sadly, he wasn’t swayed. Allison Krauss is awesome on this album, including “I’ll Fly Away.” I also like her gospel stuff on other albums. Her version of “When God Dips His Pen of Love in My Heart,” is maybe my favorite iPod song right now. Have you heard Elvis sing it, too? Awesome.
Lucinda Williams: Joy
Driving through the flat dusty stretches of the Midwest, I made sure to play Springsteen’s “Nebraska” album, and Lucinda’s “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road.” That gravely voice, those angry poetic lyrics, and the ever-present outlaw-countryish slide guitar make her album a classic. My favorite is “Joy” because of its unbridled hate.
Hot Buttered Rum: Well Oiled Machine
The well-traveled, Grateful Dead-inspired folk-bluegrass string band Hot Buttered Rum travels on a bus powered by fry grease, and wrote a song about it.
“But I’m pickin’ and singing,
Slipping and Sliding,
Rolling in this well oiled machine.
My machine, my machine, machine,Riding a well-oiled machine.
Its gears are worn in by years of steady climbing,
Let’s move like a well-oiled machine.”
By the way, I wish I could say that Rush made the list, but as big of a fan as I am, we didn’t really listen to the band on the trip. Sorry about that Mr. Peart. And thanks again for the plug.
Greasy Rider is the rollicking, white-knuckle, knock-you-over-it’s-so-funny (hey, this is my essay, so I can describe the book any way I want) recollection of a road trip I took with my old college buddy Iggy. We drove across the country in a rusty old diesel Mercedes wagon powered by waste french fry grease we begged, borrowed, and, um…begged from restaurants along the way. It’s also an investigation of other sustainable resources—like wind, solar, geothermal—already at our disposal. The gist is that if two mechanically-challenged goobers like us can get across the country in a car powered by the dregs of deep fat fryers, surely there are other easy-to-access ways to reduce our carbon footprint (and by extension, our dependence on foreign oil, and on fossil fuels in general). It’s the most fun you’ll have reading about global warming. I promise. Don’t believe me? Ask the legendary Neil Peart, of Rush. He reviewed it on his blog—something I randomly stumbled across yesterday, during my hourly ritual of obsessively googling the search terms “greasy rider, book, review, good.” Money quote from the greatest drummer (sorry, Ringo) who ever lived: “So the book is part picaresque road story (always a hit with this reader!) and part serious investigation of energy issues—the way it really is, without the wishful thinking, or simply wrong thinking, that is so often expended on these topics.” I’m not sure what picaresque means, but I’m pretty sure it’s a compliment (though I admit that it startles me to know that a rock star has a much better vocabulary than I do). Peart has written a few road trip books himself, by the way.
As you know, every self-respecting road trip must have a soundtrack, and mine was no different—though the sound quality could have been better. The wagon’s stereo system consists of an ancient factory-installed Blaupunkt, which was probably pretty Bitchin’ during the Reagan administration, and three working speakers. Its days of blasting tunes in stereo have also long-since passed. Here’s my playlist of songs—many of which are mentioned in Greasy Rider.
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones: The Sinister Minister
My wife and I bought our cream-colored 1985 Mercedes 300TD wagon from a young woman an hour south of our Burlington, Vermont home. During our test drive, I hand-cranked open the sun roof, and cranked up the Blaupunkt as I hit the gas pedal and headed down a dirt mountain road. The Sinister Minister crackled through the three working speakers. Perfect. Grooving to the funk-meets-bluegrass sounds of Bela Fleck is the most fun a yuppified Vermont pseudo-hippie can have without a bong nearby.
Willie Nelson: On the Road Again
I had originally planned to read Walt Whitman’s “Song of the Open Road” to kick off my road trip with Iggy—but wisely decided to play “On the Road Again” instead. Our connection to the Red-Headed Stranger was just too great, given that he’s such a huge proponent of vegetable oil and biodiesel power.
“Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway.
We’re the best of friends
Insisting that the world be turnin’ our way
And our way
Is on the road again.”
Now, Iggy and I will never be accused of being best friends, but the words were appropriate enough.
Cindy Lauper: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
To be very, extremely, utterly clear, I’m not recommending this song. But I feel it must be included. We weren’t even 10 miles into the trip before Iggy connected his portable satellite radio to the stereo, and tuned to the 80s station. He told me, “Greg, prepare for a musical education.” Then he turned up the volume to this song. Within less than a second, I had hit the power button and asserted myself as the alpha-DJ for the rest of the trip—though there were some stretches of road when I did cede my power to him. Advice to everyone: if you’re headed on a long drive with a buddy, make sure his or her musical tastes stretch beyond 80s pop. (And don’t get me wrong, I’ve been known to tap the steering wheel to “Hungry Like the Wolf” when I’m alone in the car. But in very limited doses.)
Van Morrison: Crazy Love
When Iggy and I were in college, a buddy of ours who had much more luck with the ladies than me (then again, anyone who had any luck with the ladies had much more than me) would play Van Morrison on his cassette deck to signal that he was entertaining someone in his dorm room. So if we were about to knock on his door but heard “Brown Eyed Girl,” or something, playing, we’d know to walk away. On our drive, this song inevitably stirred memories of college. (And I’m talking the original version, from “Moondance,” and not the lame duet with Ray Charles.) Maybe this makes me cliché, but I still really like Van Morrison. Heck, Crazy Love was my wedding song, too.
Men at Work: Land Down Under
Iggy and I were hating each other by this point in the trip. He was given brief control of the stereo, and this song came on, by the greatest two-hit-wonder band Australia has ever produced. If “Land Down Under” can’t cheer you up on a car ride, you’re not alive (or at least you’re not a nearly-old fogie like me, who fondly remembers rockin’ to it in my basement when it played on Friday Night Videos).
Allison Krauss and Gillian Welch: I’ll Fly Away
To me, bluegrass is white man’s soul music. I could listen to hillbillies pickin’ banjos all day. Now that I live in Asheville, North Carolina, I’m surrounded by it (which is very nice). For Iggy, expanding his musical horizon means listening to the early stuff from Yaz. He’s not a fan of bluegrass. I tried easing him into it by playing the soundtrack to “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” Sadly, he wasn’t swayed. Allison Krauss is awesome on this album, including “I’ll Fly Away.” I also like her gospel stuff on other albums. Her version of “When God Dips His Pen of Love in My Heart,” is maybe my favorite iPod song right now. Have you heard Elvis sing it, too? Awesome.
Lucinda Williams: Joy
Driving through the flat dusty stretches of the Midwest, I made sure to play Springsteen’s “Nebraska” album, and Lucinda’s “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road.” That gravely voice, those angry poetic lyrics, and the ever-present outlaw-countryish slide guitar make her album a classic. My favorite is “Joy” because of its unbridled hate.
Hot Buttered Rum: Well Oiled Machine
The well-traveled, Grateful Dead-inspired folk-bluegrass string band Hot Buttered Rum travels on a bus powered by fry grease, and wrote a song about it.
“But I’m pickin’ and singing,
Slipping and Sliding,
Rolling in this well oiled machine.
My machine, my machine, machine,Riding a well-oiled machine.
Its gears are worn in by years of steady climbing,
Let’s move like a well-oiled machine.”
By the way, I wish I could say that Rush made the list, but as big of a fan as I am, we didn’t really listen to the band on the trip. Sorry about that Mr. Peart. And thanks again for the plug.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Culture of life
Catholic Bishops Urged to Challenge Obama. I find it fascinating how different people define the "culture of life." To me, it evokes images of finding cures to chronic and fatal diseases, ending and avoiding war, fighting the spread of AIDs through sensible methods, aiding the orphaned, and--of course--protecting all of creation from ecological destruction. Apparently, I'm on the wrong side of nearly all of these issues. Looks like I need some educating on what real values are.
History repeating itself

Not to hammer the point too much, but I wrote yesterday that we'll need to alter our lifestyles if we plan to halt climate change. In Greasy Rider, I talk to a professor at Dartmouth about this. He mentions that we, as a country, have made sacrifices before for the common good--the most prominent example being World War II. has put together a collection of posters from the frugal movement of that time, intended to aid the war effort. The themes aren't much different from what are being discussed now. When clearly presented with the problems facing the country, Americans at that time quickly mobilized for the effort.
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