So the Greasy Rider publicity tour stopped at the Regulator Bookshop, in Durham. The talk was in the basement, where behind the stage hangs hundreds of pictures of authors who visited. There's pretty impressive lineup of people have spoken at the Regulator, which was intimidating. The hero of the evening was Iggy's sister in law, who brought a posse with her. Second place were the Shahadys of Wake Forest, NC, who wore t-shirts that said, "Greasy Groupies." (Don't worry, they're entering some sort of rehab for their problem.) Also, one couple came who have converted an old Chevy pickup, and they're in the process of converting another vehicle. They both have jobs that require them to drive a lot, and they get their grease from a chicken wing place nearby. No one fell asleep during the talk, and I didn't wet my pants this time, so I considered it a victory!
So, what does the Regulator do for the environment? The most notable effort is the emphasis to stock a lot of books that are produced by local publishers. Here's a link to the importance (and benefits) of buying local.