Publisher's Weekly said in its review that Greasy Rider provides a "thought- and perhaps action-provoking lesson."
Newsweek is running a short review on the book this week. You can see it here (scroll to the bottom of the page). They call it "a hopeful, goodhearted portrait of those he meets—be they Minnesota wind farmers or hippie diesel mechanics—who are getting a head start on building the post-carbon future, a tomorrow fueled by a refreshing optimism, as well as by grease."
Here's where you come in. If you enjoy Greasy Rider, and you think the book is thought provoking or conversation provoking, please don't let it collect dust on the shelf. Pass it on for someone else to read. Tell your friends who are in book clubs to choose it for their book club. I'm happy to do a conference call with any group that reads it. While it's true that my ultimate goal is to make JK Rowling look like a pauper by selling a billion copies of Greasy Rider, my other goal is to create discourse, open eyes, and make real change. You can help me do that.